Daily reflection aa
Daily reflection aa

The choice I do have is to pick up and use the 'kit of spiritual tools' (Alcoholics Anonymous, p. In sobriety I still have no choiceI can't drink. family obligations may not be so perfect after all. You can sign up to have the Daily Reflections sent to your inbox by clicking here. 24 My powerlessness over alcohol does not cease when I quit drinking. Daily Reflections is where we share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences from the past day to give some insight into what life is like on the path to recovery.


We also publish and license translations in international.

daily reflection aa

We publish items in English, Spanish and French. In our materials, you can find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous, its history, and how it works. This is a daily reflection book that chronologically walks through excerpts from the book, Alcoholics Anonymous. World Services, Inc., is a resource for recovering alcoholics and other individuals. 4 Daily Reflections has a more casual, relatable tone than the Big Book, which can make it more approachable for regular. In addition to the daily passage, Daily Reflections has quotes from the Big Book and a reflection about that quote which is written by a member of the AA community. We began a Daily Reflection for your spiritual nourishment, authored by our staff and friends. This is a portion of the May 23rd Consideration in Alex M’s Daily Reprieve: A.A. The daily passage pulls a topic from the Big Book and condenses it into one simple and understandable reading. During times of uncertainty, many like to stay grounded with a daily reflection or devotion.

daily reflection aa

We hope and pray for the quickest possible end to the pandemic and for the health of all.

daily reflection aa

77 It is clear that Gods plan for me is expressed through love. Daily Reflections for Companions on the Sacred Journey TO BE OF SERVICE Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us.

Daily reflection aa